Class 11 Snapshots (Question-Answers & MCQs Objectives)


Lesson - 1 The Summer of the White Beautiful Horse (Story)

Lesson - 1 The Summer of the White Beautiful Horse (Summary)

Lesson-1 The Summer of the White Beautiful Horse (Questions & Answers)

MCQs (Objectives Question)

Lesson-2 The Address (Story)

Lesson-2 The Address (Summary)

Lesson-2 The Address (Questions & Answers)

 MCQs (Objectives Question)

Lesson - 3 Mother’s Day (Story)

Lesson - 4 The Ghat of the Only World (Story)

Lesson-5 Mother’s Day(Questions & Answers) 

MCQs (Objectives Question)

Lesson-7 Birth (Questions & Answers)

MCQs (Objectives Question)

Lesson-8 The Tale of the Melon City (Questions & Answers)

MCQs (Objectives Question)


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