
Class - 11 Book Hornbill (English) Questions-answers & MCQs

  Chapter 1- The portrait of a lady (Questions-Answers) MCQs (Questions-Answers) Chapter 2- We’re not afraid to die (Questions-Answers) MCQs (Questions-Answers) Chapter-3 Discovering Tut (Questions-Answers) MCQs (Questions-Answers) Lesson-7 The Adventure (Questions-Answers) MCQs (Questions-Answers) Lesson-8 Silk Road (Questions-Answers) MCQs (Questions-Answers) Poetry Hornbill Poem - A Phtograp (Questions-Answers) MCQs (Questions-Answers) Poem- The Laburnum Top (Questions-Answers) MCQs (Questions-Answers) Poem- The Voice of Rain (Questions-Answers) MCQs (Questions-Answers) Poem-Childhood (Questions-Answers) MCQs (Questions-Answers) Poem- Father to Son (Questions-Answers) MCQs (Questions-Answers)

Class - 12 Vistas (Questions-Answers & MCQ)

  1. The Third Level (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objective Questions) 2. The Tiger King (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objective Questions) 3. Journey to the End of the Earth (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objective Questions) 4. The Enemy (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objective Questions) 6. On The Face of it (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objective Questions) 8. Memories of Childhood (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objective Questions)

Class - 12 Flamingo (Questions-Answers and MCQ)

  Prose 1. The Last Lesson (Story) 1. The Last Lesson (Summary) 1. The Last Lesson (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objective Question) 2. The Lost Spring (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objective Question) 3. Deep Water (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objective Question) 4. The Rattrap (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objective Question) 5. Indigo (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objective Question) 6. Poets and Pancakes (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objective Question) 7. The Interview (Questions and Answers) MCQs (OBJECTIVE QUESTION) 8. Going Place (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objective Question) POETRY 89-104 1. My Mother at Sixty-Six (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objective Question) 3. Keeping Quiet (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objective Question) 4. A Thing of Beauty (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objective Question)   5. A Road Side Stand (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objective Question)   6. Aunt Jennifer’s Tiger (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objective Question)

वार्षिक परीक्षा 2023 कक्षा - 10 वीं के प्रश्न-उत्तर विषय - अंग्रेजी

वी डियो को देखने के लिए नीचे दिये लिंक पर क्लिक करें.... Book - First Flight Book - Footprints Without Feet

Class 10 Footprints Without Feet (Questions and Answers)

  वीडियो को देखने के लिए नीचे दिये लिंक पर क्लिक करें.... Lesson - 1 A Triumph of Surgery (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objectives Question) Lesson - 2 A Thief’s Story (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objectives Question) Lesson - 3 The Midnight Visitor (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objectives Question) Lesson - 5 Footprints without Feet (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objectives Questions) Lesson - 6 Making of a Scientist (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objectives Question) Lesson - 7 The necklace (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objectives Question) Lesson - 9 Bholi (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objectives Question) Lesson - 10 The Book that saved the Earth (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objectives Question)

Class - 10th First Flight (Questions and Answers)

वीडियो को देखने के लिए नीचे दिये लिंक पर क्लिक करें.... Lesson - 1 A Letter to God (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objectives) Lesson - 2 Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objectives) Lesson - 3 Two Stories about Flying  I. His First Flight (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objectives) II. Black Aeroplane (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objectives) Lesson - 4 From the Diary of Anne Frank (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objectives) Lesson  - 7 Glimpses of India  I. A Baker from Goa (Questions and Answers)   MCQs (Objectives Question) II. Coorg (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Ojectives Question) III. Tea from Assam (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objectives Question) Lesson - 8 Mijbil the Otter (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objectives Question) Lesson - 9 Madam Rides the Bus (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objectives Question) Lesson - 10 The Sermon at Benares (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objectives Question) Lesson - 11 The Proposal (Questions and Answers) MCQs (Objec